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Tags: William Rogers

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Letter from Thomas W. Harris, Esquire to Chief John Ross J. L. Hargett, Thomas W. Harris Native American, Cherokee 4026.82 ink on paper, wax
Opinion of William Wirt on the Claims for Improvements by the State of Georgia on the Cherokee Nation J. L. Hargett, William Wirt American, Native American, Cherokee 4026.510-.17 ink on paper
Letter from William Rogers to Chief John Ross William Rogers, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.115-.1 ink on paper
Resolution of National Committee and Council Unknown, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.162 ink on paper
Copy of letter from Chief John Ross to General John Coffee Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.69 ink on paper
Unsigned copy of letter from Chief John Ross to Thomas W. Harris Esquire Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.79 ink on paper
Draft copy of letter from Chief John Ross to William H. Underwood, Esquire Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.80a-b ink on paper
Draft copy of letter from Chief John Ross to W. Harris Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.87 ink on paper
Draft Copy of Letter from Chief John Ross to Thomas W. Harris Chief John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.89-.1 ink on paper
Printed Text of Speech of Representative Chapman on Treaty with the Cherokee J. L. Hargett, Unknown American 3726.4 ink on paper