Thomas Cole / Earl A. Powell. |
Powell, Earl A. |
ND237.C6 A4 1990 |
Thomas Eakins : the rowing pictures / Helen A. Cooper with contributions by Martin A. Berger, Christina Currie, Amy B. Werbel. |
Cooper, Helen A. |
ND237.E15 C66 1996 |
John Frazee, 1790-1852, sculptor / Frederick S. Voss with an essay by Dennis Montagna and Jean Henry. |
Voss, Frederick. |
NB237.F68 A4 1986 |
William M. Harnett / edited by Doreen Bolger, Marc Simpson, and John Wilmerding, with the assistance of Thayer Tolles Mickel. |
Harnett, William Michael, 1848-1892. |
ND237.H315 A4 1992 |
Winslow Homer and the critics : forging a national art in the 1870s / Margaret C. Conrads. |
Conrads, Margaret C., 1955- |
ND237.H7 A4 2001 |
George Inness / Nicolai Cikovsky, Jr. |
Cikovsky, Nicolai. |
ND237.I5 C54 1993 |
John La Farge : essays / by Henry Adams ... [et al.]. |
N6537.L28 A4 1987 |
A flight with fame : the life and art of Frederick MacMonnies (1863-1937) / by Mary Smart with a catalogue raisonne of sculpture and a checklist of paintings by E. Adina Gordon. |
Smart, Mary, 1917- |
N6537.M335 S62 1996 |
In contemporary rhythm : the art of Ernest L. Blumenschein / by Peter H. Hassrick and Elizabeth J. Cunningham with contributions by Sarah E. Boehme ... [et al] foreword by James K. Ballinger, Lewis I. Sharp, and Cathy L. Wright. |
Hassrick, Peter H. |
ND237.B717 .A4 2008 |
Paul Manship / John Manship. |
Manship, John. |
NB237.M3 M36 1989 |
The unknown Blakelock / edited by Karen O. Janovy. |
ND237.B6 .A4 2008 |
Frederic Remington & turn-of-the-century America / Alexander Nemerov. |
Nemerov, Alexander. |
N6537.R4 N46 1995 |
George Bellows : the artist and his lithographs, 1916-1924 / Jane Myers and Linda Ayres with an introduction by Jean Bellows Booth. |
Myers, Jane, 1955- |
NE2312.E44 A4 1988 |
Charlie Russell roundup : essays on America's favorite cowboy artist / edited by Brian W. Dippie. |
N6537.R88 C53 1999 |
Ralph Albert Blakelock / Abraham A. Davidson. |
Davidson, Abraham A. |
ND237.B6 D36 1996 |
Mary Cassatt / by Jay Roudebush [translated from the French by Alice Sachs]. |
Roudebush, Jay. |
ND237.C3 R6813 1979 |
William Merritt Chase / Barbara Dayer Gallati. |
Gallati, Barbara Dayer. |
ND237.C48 G36 1995 |
Summer afternoons : the landscape paintings of William Merritt Chase / Ronald G. Pisano designed by John Esten. |
Pisano, Ronald G. |
ND237.C48 P55 1993 |
The early landscapes of Frederic Edwin Church, 1845-1854 / Franklin Kelly and Gerald L. Carr. |
Kelly, Franklin. |
ND237.C52 K44 1987 |