Monroe Tsatoke, September 29,1904 - February 3, 1937 (Artist)
Native American; Kiowa
tempera on paper
Portrait; single-sided
Primary: 0.186- 0.189 mm Secondary: 0.2240 0.234 mm Tertiary:0.286- 0.289 mm
All support are machine made. The primary and secondary supports are of artist quality. The primary support is tan/light orange in color, with a textured surface. The secondary support is maroon in color, and heavier than the primary support, but has the same texture. The tertiary support is black, elephant skin paper and a shiny/waxy finish; internally dyed.
Monroe Tsatoke, September 29,1904 - February 3, 1937 (Artist). Portrait of a Woman. 02.955. 1927. Tulsa: Gilcrease Museum, (03/19/2019).
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