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Tags: Joshua Ross

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Act of National Council Moving Public School from Fort Smith Bottom to Lee's Creek J. L. Hargett, Unidentified Native American, Cherokee 4026.1326 ink on paper
Act of National Council Appropriating Money from School Fund and Orphan Fund for 1861 and 1862 Unidentified, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.1331 paper
Act of National Council Appropriating Funds for Certain Teachers at Baptist Mission and Hickory Grove and Discontinuing the Latter School J. L. Hargett, Unidentified Native Americans, Cherokee 4026.1332 paper
Act of National Council Declaring Mission stations are Cherokee Property Unidentified, J. L. Hargett Native American, Cherokee 4026.1333 paper
Photocopy of Act of National Council Authorizing Treasurer to Issue $20,000 of Notes Redeemable in Confederate Notes and Prohibiting Individual Notes or Shin Plasters Unidentified Native American, Cherokee 4426.14-.1 ink on paper
Letter from Chief John Ross to Creek Chiefs and Headmen John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.1311-.1 ink on paper
Draft Copy of Letter from Chief John Ross to James Brown John Ross Native American; Cherokee 4026.1313 ink on paper