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Tags: jugs

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Mexican Costumes - Costume Francisco Gutiérrez Spanish 17.51.24 watercolor on paper
Mexican Costumes - Costume Francisco Gutiérrez Spanish 17.51.16 watercolor on paper
Mestiza - Estado De Campeche Carlos Mérida Guatemalan 17.70.1 screenprint on paper
Mujeres Triqui del Estado de Oaxaca Carlos Mérida, C.W. Belden and Associates, Pocahontas Press Guatemalan 17.5.19 screenprint on paper
Granger Olaf Carl Seltzer American 02.1252a-b watercolor on paper and matboard
Coming Home Valjean McCarty Hessing Native American; Choctaw 02.2047 gouache on board
The Order of Good Cheer Charles Banks Wilson American 13.2196 ink and pen on paper
Water jug basket pitched in pine with horsehair lugs Unknown Native American; Apache or Navajo (Diné) 71.658 yucca, resin, horsehair
Coiled water jug with horsehair lugs pitched in pine resin Unknown Native American; possibly Apache; Jicarilla or Navajo (Diné) 71.472 willow, yucca, horsehair, resin
Jar shaped basket with wooden lugs Unknown Native American; Apache, Chiricahua 71.268 willow
Large coiled jug shaped basket with finger woven tumpline and horsehair lugs Unknown Native American; Apache, Jicarilla 71.256 willow, sumac, horsehair, wool
Saturday Treat at Hubbel Trading Post Steve Forbis American 13.3860 colored pencil on paper
Preparation for the Ribbon Dance Solomon McCombs Native American; Muscogee (Creek) 02.1674 tempera on mat board
Inside the Tepee Charles Marion Russell American 02.1322 watercolor on paper
Woman Fetching Water Charles Marion Russell American 02.1449 watercolor on paperboard