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Tags: mantles

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Blue wool dress with a mantle of dentalium shells and pink beaded collar Unidentified Native American; Ponca or Sac & Fox 84.1809 wool, shell (dentalium), brass, silk, cotton
Beaded mantle with geometric designs Unidentified Native American; Cheyenne or Oc'eti S'akowin (Sioux) 84.1828 hide, glass
Girl's buckskin dress with blue, red, and white lazy stitched beading and fringe Unidentified Native American; possibly Apache 84.1807 hide (buckskin), glass
Capt John Smith and Party Landing at Jamestown May 14, 1607 John Mix Stanley American 01.1145 oil on canvas
Western Landscape with Buffalo John Mix Stanley American 01.1140 oil on canvas
King George II silver peace medal European 65.19 silver
Louis XV silver peace medal of "Honos et Virtu" type French 65.53 silver
Christmas Eve, Torchlight Procession, Taos Pueblo Ila Mae McAfee American 01.545 oil on canvas
Indian Encampment Rosa Bonheur French 01.1229 oil on canvas
Tcha-to-ga, Mad Buffalo George Catlin American 02.1527 watercolor on paper
George III peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.16 silver
Silver peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.57 silver