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Tags: medals

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Gourd rattle with horsehair stem and beaded handle Unknown Native American 84.116 wood, gourd, horsehair, glass, metal, hide
Chief Mountain Joseph Henry Sharp American 01.396 oil on board
Chief Old Dog Joseph Henry Sharp American 01.476 oil on canvas
Chief Josh, San Carlos Apache Frank A. Rinehart Native American, Apache 4326.7805
Delegation of Cheyenne and Arapaho Unknown Native American, Cheyenne 4326.3763
George Washington peace medal with "Animal Husbandry" scene United States 65.43 silver
James Monroe peace medal, 3rd size United States 65.20 silver
Andrew Jackson peace medal, 1st size United States 65.38 silver
Silver George Washington Presidential medal United States 65.18 silver
George Washington Seasons peace medal with "Sower" scene George Washington, John Trumbull, Conrad Heinrich Küchler United States 60.155 silver
George Washington Season peace medal with "Animal Husbandry" scene United States 60.156 silver
John Tyler peace medal, 2nd size United States 65.42 silver
George III peace medal American Colonial 65.13 silver
James Buchanan peace medal, 2nd size United States 65.47 silver
George III peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.16 silver
Louis XV silver peace medal of "Honos et Virtu" type French 65.53 silver
Martin Van Buren peace medal,1st size United States 65.40 silver
Thomas Jefferson peace medal United States 65.17 silver
Silver peace medal European 65.56 silver
Bronze Napoleon medal European 65.59 silver