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Tags: medals

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
John Tyler peace medal, 2nd size United States 65.42 silver
George III peace medal American Colonial 65.13 silver
James Buchanan peace medal, 2nd size United States 65.47 silver
George III peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.16 silver
Louis XV silver peace medal of "Honos et Virtu" type French 65.53 silver
Martin Van Buren peace medal,1st size United States 65.40 silver
Thomas Jefferson peace medal United States 65.17 silver
Silver peace medal European 65.56 silver
Bronze Napoleon medal European 65.59 silver
Silver peace medal stamped "1860" and with the crest of the Prince of Wales European 65.51 silver
Silver peace medal European 65.50 silver
Silver peace medal with "Happy While United" type European 65.57 silver
Victorian silver peace medal European 65.52 silver
James Garfield peace medal United States 65.46 silver
King Louis Philippe donative medal French 65.58 silver
Letter from Thomas L. McKenney to Charles Hicks J. L. Hargett, Thomas L. McKenney American 4026.30-.1 ink on paper
Andrew Johnson peace medal, 1st size United States 65.45 silver
Mak-Hos-Kah, Chief of the Goways (White Cloud) Charles Bird King American 01.1198 oil on wood
Medal Unknown American TU2009.39.7400 gelatin silver process
John Quincy Adams peace medal, 2nd size United States 65.49 silver