modeled 1898/1904; lost-wax cast circa 1907 | lost-wax cast in bronze
modeled 1903; lost-wax cast before 1944 | lost-wax cast in bronze
modeled circa 1926; lost-wax cast possibly between 1929 and 1940 | lost-wax cast in bronze
1978 | colored pencil and tempera on matboard
late 19th century - early 20th century | watercolor on paper
mid-20th century | tempera on paper
early 20th century | oil on canvas
modeled 1902; lost-wax cast 20th century | lost-wax cast in bronze
modeled 1901; lost-wax cast 1913 | lost-wax cast in bronze
lost-wax cast circa 1940 | lost-wax cast in bronze