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Tags: weapons

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
An Attack on a Village of Cave Dwellers Thomas Moran, J. Augustus Bogert American 15.425 printing ink on paper
Spanish Explorers Thomas Moran, John Karst American 15.444 printing ink on paper
Painted stone war club with wood handle and horsehair decoration Ernest Emmett Thompson, Unknown, Mary and Lawrence Bryan Native American 84.3061 cotton, stone, wood, horsehair
Feathered headdress with brown felt base and eagle’s feather trailer mounted on wool Stroud cloth Unknown, Ernest Emmett Thompson, Mary and Lawrence Bryan Native American; Plains, Central Plains, possibly Kaw 84.3063 feather (eagle), glass, wool, felt, horsehair, fur (rabbit)
War club with stone head and leather handle Steve and Tony Bolinger Native American; Osage 84.3412 rawhide, horse hair, shell, bone
Wooden war club with stone head decorated with fur and feathers Unknown Native American; possibly Apache; possibly Jicarilla or Kiowa-Apache (artist and user) 84.963 wood, hide, fur, feather, stone
War club made with wood, leather, and stone Unknown Native American; possibly Apache (artist and user) 84.964 wood, hide, stone
War club made with stone and wood Unknown Native American; Apache (artist and user) 84.968 wood, stone, sinew
Wooden arrow with stone projectile point Unknown Native American 62.110e wood, stone, feather
Wooden arrow with stone projectile point Unknown Native American 62.110d wood, stone, feather
Carved wooden bow Unknown Native American; Apache, Chiricahua (artist and user) 73.284 wood
Buffalo sinew strip tied in two knots Unknown Native American; Pawnee 87.1 sinew
Stone club with wooden handle wrapped in leather Unknown Native American; possibly Apache (artist and user) 84.971 stone, wood, hide
Large stone projectile point Unknown, Dominic Daniels Native American; Osage 61.107.604a stone
Buffalo Hunt Acee Blue Eagle Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Pawnee 02.578 tempera on paper
Indian Male Hau Kei Native American 02.172 watercolor on matboard
Cornstalk Match Franklin Gritts Native American; Cherokee (United Keetoowah Band), Potawatomi 02.474 tempera on board
Order #23 from Col. D. H. Cooper authorizing Colonel Drew concerning arming the Cherokee Regiment Native American, Cherokee 4026.1822 ink on paper
Printed executive order to sheriffs by Principal Chief D. W. Bushyhead concerning liquor and dangerous weapons Native American, Cherokee 5126.193 ink on paper
Fort Reno Ledger Drawing Unknown Native American; Arapaho, Cheyenne 4526.11.92