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Tags: World War II

Image Title Creator Culture Accession # Materials/Techniques
Untitled Acee Blue Eagle Native American; Muscogee (Creek), Pawnee 13.1948 graphite on tracing paper
War ration book Unknown, Dominic Daniels American, Native American; Osage 77.38 paper, ink
War ration book Unknown, Dominic Daniels American, Native American; Osage 77.39 paper, ink
Typescript containing division citations and unit commendations awarded to the 1st Infantry Division and the 104th (Timberwolf) Division for service in World War II Terry Allen American 4027.8436 ink on paper
La Venganza del Pueblo Leopoldo Méndez, La Estampa Mexicana Mexican 17.49.25 woodblock print on paper
War Widows Willard Stone Native American; Cherokee descent 11.56 wild cherry wood