"If Elvis had come to a meeting, he might still be with us" man's t-shirt / Ronald W. Anderson
"Untitled" "If Elvis had come to a meeting, he might still be with us". A (large size) blue commercial t-shirt that has been hand silkscreen by Ron Anderson. The image on the back of the shirt with this title and caption is from an oil painting by the artist. A complex image set on a white field. The image is of Elvis Presley in the setting of a Native American Church meeting, holding a peyote button and an eagle fan. The altar, fireplace, and tipi poles are visible in the scene. Colors include peach, black, red, white, orange, yellow, and green. Title given above the image, caption and signature (in gold ink) are below. On the left breast of the shirt, screened in tan ink is an image of a peyote cactus button and the words "The Ron W. Anderson Collection".